PÉTER JESZENSZKY (IPA: 'jɛsɛnski 'pe:tɛɾ)
PhD Student at the University of Zurich, Department of Geography, GIScience Center; grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
Dissertation title: Quantitatively modeling the effects of geographic factors on Swiss German dialectal variation
Supervisors: Robert Weibel - Dept. of Geography; Elvira Glaser - German Department
Project "SynMod" (http://www.spur.uzh.ch/en/research/associated/synmod2.html)
Modelling morphosyntactic area formation in Swiss German - a joint project between the Department of Geography and the German Department.
One paper in review at the Journal of Linguistic Geography, soon submitting a second one
Linguistic Conference
27-28.06.2016 Bristol, UK
19th AGILE
Conference on Geographic
Information Science
14-17 June, Helsinki, Finland
Poster of our project made for the URPP site visit
** SynMod **
-- Modelling morphosyntactic area formation in Swiss German --
The homepage of our project at the University of Zurich.
Philipp Stöckle -
Post-doc at the German Department
Elvira Glaser -
Professor at the German Department
Robert Weibel -
Professor at the Department of Geography