Jun 2016 Borderland Linguistic Conference
Comparing Models of Transitions Between Syntactic Variants in the Dialect Continuum
Jul 2015 Interview for the Zürich Center for Linguistics podcast: angesprochen! with me about distances expaining dialect differences
Aug 2014 Handout on Geographical distances explaining syntactic differences, presentation at the XV. Methods in Dialectology conference, 2014.08.11-15. Groningen
Feb 2014 Poster of the SADS and SynMod projects at the Linguistic Afternoon 2014.02.21 Uni. of Zurich
Jun 2016 'Modeling transitions between syntactic variants in the dialect continuum'
Short paper presented at the 19th AGILE
International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 2015.06.14-17. Helsinki
Jun 2015 'Measuring boundaries in the dialect continuum' Short paper presented at the 18th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 2015.07.09-12. Lisbon
Sep 2014 'Correlating morphosyntactic dialect variation with geographic distance: Local beats global' Short paper presented at the 8th GIScience Conference, 2014.09.23-26. Vienna
Academic Publications
Handouts, materials
My research in maps
Average syntactic distances from the given survey site to all others
Syntactic distances from Obersaxen (alpine village) to all other survey sites
Syntactic distances from the westly city of Freiburg towards the other survey sites
Syntactic distances from Visp (alpine secluded canton of Valais) towards the other survey sites
Usage of Hören kommen vs. Kommen hören according to the Syntactic Atlas of German-speaking Switzerland
Distribution of two variants over the investigation area of the SADS
Travel times in 1950 from the alpine town Visp (canton Valais) by car
Gif showing how to imagine distributions of variants of a linguistic phenomenon. The higher the proportion of usage, the higher the polygon is